[i]Nyanapokina, 1978, 40
[ii]Anguttara Nikàya I.121-2
[iii]Majjihima Nikàya I 86-87
[iv]Siksà- samuccaya 20
[v]Sutta-Nipàtà 766-975; Premasiri, 1972, The Philosophy of the Atthakavagga , Kandy, Sri Lanka BPS
[vi]Dìgha Nikàya II 276-277
[vii]Dìgha Nikàya III.182
[viii]Dìgha Nikàya I. 3
[ix]Anguttara Nikàya II .74
[x]Dìgha Nikàya III 185-186
[xi]Kuk The Vimalakirti Nirseda Sutra, Berkelz and London, Shambhala, Nhất Hạnh 1975, The Miracle of Mindfulness, Boston, Mass, Beacon Press, 95
[xii]Jàtaka with Commentary II. 400 3, I. 261 8
[xiii]Jàtaka with Commentary II. 400 3, I. 261 8
[xiv]Dhammapada 223
[xv]Dhammapada 103
[xvi]Jàtaka with Commentary II 3-4
[xvii]Majjihima Nikàya III268-9
[xviii]Visuddhimagga The Path of Purification, Kandy, Sri Lanka, BPS, 1975, 298 306
[xix]Dhammapada 42
[xx]Visuddhimagga 300
[xxi]Anguttara Nikàya IV 94
[xxii]II.189, Siksà- samuccaya 21
[xxiii]Anguttara Nikàya V 342
[xxiv]Bhodi-caryàvatara, Oxford University Press 1966, VI. 10
[xxv]Bhodi-caryàvatara VI 33
[xxvi]Bhodi-caryàvatara VI 39
[xxvii]Bhodi-caryàvatara VI 41
[xxviii]Bhodi-caryàvatara VI 43
[xxix]Bhodi-caryàvatara VI 47- 8
[xxx]Bhodi-caryàvatara VI 73
[xxxi]Bhodi-caryàvatara VI. 117-11
[xxxii]Bhodi-caryàvatara VI .108
[xxxiii]Anguttara Nikàya I. 220-2
[xxxiv]Sutta-Nipàtà I 222, Visuddhimagga 324
[xxxv]Vinaya Pitaka I 342-9
[xxxvi]Vinaya Pitaka I 344-5
[xxxvii]Vinaya Pitaka I 348
[xxxviii]Vinaya Pitaka I 349
[xxxix]Tatz 1986 Asanga´Chapter on Ethics, with the Commentary of Tsong Kha Pha, Queeston, Elwin Mellen Press, 74, 75
[xl]LaFleur 1973-4, Saigỳo and the Buddhist Value of Nature in Callicott and Armes (eds.) Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought, Albany State of University of New York Press 1990, 183-212
[xli]Vinaya Pitaka II 17-20
[xlii]Vinaya Pitaka II 20
[xliii]Majjihima Nikàya II 247-50
[xliv]Thích Nhất Hạnh 1987 Being Peace, New York University of Press New York, 77
[xlv]Majjihima Nikàya I 288
[xlvi]Anguttara Nikàya V.177
[xlvii]Samyutta Nikỳya I. 83, Dhammapada 201
[xlviii]Samyutta Nikỳya I. 85
[xlix]Khantipaolo 1979 Banner of the Arahants: Buddhists Monks and Nuns from the Buddhas’s Time till Now , Kandy, Sri Lanka BPS, 14
[l]Upadyaya 1971 Early Buddhism and the Bhagavad Gita; Dehli, 537
[li]Harris 1994 Violence and Disruption in Society: A Study of the Early Buddhist Texts, Kandy, BPS, 18
[lii]Samyutta Nikỳya I 101-2
[liii]Samyutta Nikỳya I 116-7
[liv]Anguttara Nikàya IV 89-9; Dìgha Nikàyà I 88; III 59
[lv]Dìgha Nikàya III 62
[lvi]Dìgha Nikàya III 61
[lvii]Dìgha Nikàya III 92
[lviii]Harris 1994, 47-8
[lix]Dhammapada A II 217-22
[lx]Arya-satyaka- parivarta Sutra 206-8
[lxi]Arya-satyaka- parivarta Sutra 197
[lxii]Upadyaya, 1971, 513-37
[lxiii]Samyutta Nikỳya IV 308-9
[lxiv]Dìgha Nikàya III 133
[lxv]Dìgha Nikàya I. 7, 178
[lxvi]Demiéville 1957 Le Bouddhisme et la guerre Paris, Presse universitaire de France, 347-385
[lxvii]Abhidharma kosá-bhàsyam 1988 IV 72 c-d
[lxviii]Tambiah 1976 World Conqueror and World Renouncer , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 489
[lxix]Tambiah 1976, 304
[lxx]King 1964 In the Hope of Nibbana,La Salle IlLL, Open Court , 278
[lxxi]Geiger 1980 The Mahàvamsa,or Great Chronicle of Ceylon, London, PTS
[lxxii]Gombrich 1988 Theraveda Budhism, London, Routledge
[lxxiii]Tambiah, 1992: 134
[lxxiv]Manogaran 1987, Ethnic Conflict and Reconcialtion in Sri Lanka, Honolulu, University of Hawai Press, 22,3
[lxxv]Rahula 1974, The Heritage of Bhikku; New York Grove Press
[lxxvi]Rahula 1974:20
[lxxvii]Obeyesere 1988 Mediation on Conscience, Colombo, Navamaga
[lxxviii]Rahula 1974: 22
[lxxix]Gombrich 1988:142
[lxxx]Gombrich 1971a Precept and Practice, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 257
[lxxxi]Gombrich 1971a: 258
[lxxxii]de Silva et al 1988 Ethic Conflict in Buddhist Society, Boulder Colo, Westview Press
[lxxxiii]Juergensmeyer 1990 What the Bukkhu said, Religion 20, 53-75
[lxxxiv]Bond 1988, The Buddhist Revival in Sri Lanka, Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 9
[lxxxv]Bond 1988: 121-2
[lxxxvi]Bond 1988: 118
[lxxxvii]Tambiah 1992: 125
[lxxxviii]Tanbiah 1992: 179-80
[lxxxix]Tambiah 1992: 174-5
[xc]Tambiah 1992: 149
[xci]Suksamran 1982 Buddhism and Politics in Thailand, Singapore, 132-57
[xcii]Suksamran 1982:15, Sivaraksa 1986, Buddhist Vision for Renewing Society, Bangkok, Tiewan Publishing House, 98
[xciii]Suksamran 1982: 150 -1
[xciv]Keynes 1978 Political Crisis and Militant Buddhism in Contemporary Thailand in Smith Religion ans Legitimation in Thailan, Laoas and Burma, Chamberburg, Penn, Animabook, 158-9
[xcv]Suksamran 1982: 155
[xcvi]Suksamran 1982: 157
[xcvii]Sarkisyanz 1978 Buddhist Background of Burmese Socialism in Smith , 9; Spiro 1966 Bud dhism and Economic Action in Burma, American Anthropologist 68, 172
[xcviii]Sarkisyanz 1978: 90
[xcix]Ling 1979 Buddhism, Imperialism and War: Burma and Thailand in Modern History, London, George Allen & Unwin 135-47
[c]Tambiah 1976:121
[ci]Neale, 1852 Residence in Siam, London 148
[cii]Ling 1979: 141-3
[ciii]Demiéville 1957: 348
[civ]Demiéville 1957: 355-6
[cv]Demiéville 1957: 355
[cvi]Demiéville 1957: 376
[cvii]Welch 1972, Buddhism Under Mao, Cambbridge, Mass; Harvard University Press, 297
[cviii]Demiéville 1957: 357
[cix]King 1993, Zen and the Way of the Sword: Arming the Samurai Psyche, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 39
[cx]Renondeau 1957 Histore de geurriers du Japon in Melange Vol. 1 Prsse Universitaire de Paris 159-346; Demiéville 1957: 369
[cxi]Demiéville 1957: 369-70
[cxii]King 1993:41
[cxiii]Demiéville 1957: 370
[cxiv]Demiéville 1957: 371
[cxv]Zuzuki 1959 Zen and Japaanese Culture, New York, Bolligen Foundation 64-79
[cxvi]Demiéville 1957: 373
[cxvii]Demiéville 1957: 377
[cxviii]Demiéville 1957: 377
[cxix]Demiéville 1957: 377-8
[cxx]Faure 1991 The Rhetoric of Immediacy, Priceton: Priceton University Press, 231; King, 1993: 29-32
[cxxi]Suzuki 1959: 123
[cxxii]Demiéville 1957: 382
[cxxiii]King 1993: 33
[cxxiv]King 1993: 53-4
[cxxv]King 1993: 125
[cxxvi]McFarlane 199 Mushin, Morals and Martial Art, Japanes Journal of Religion Studies 17 (4) 397-432 (43)
[cxxvii]Shỏhei 1987 Buddhist Martial Art in Eliade vol IX 228-9
[cxxviii]McFarlane 1990: 407
[cxxix]Aitken 1984 The MInd of Clover: Essay in Zen Bud dhist Ethics, San Francisco, North Point Press, 5
[cxxx]McFarlane 1990: 411
[cxxxi]McFarlane 1994: 189
[cxxxii]McFarlane 1994: 403-4
[cxxxiii]Kammer 1978 Zen and Confucius in the Art of Swordmanship London, Routledge
[cxxxiv]Maliszewski 1987 Martial Law, in Eliade vol. XI 224-8; Ackroyd 1987 Bushido in Eliade Vol. II 581-4; King 1993: 123-56
[cxxxv]McFarlane 1990: 415
[cxxxvi]McFarlane 1994: 190, 200
[cxxxvii]King 1993: 153-6
[cxxxviii]Ives 1992 Zen Awakening and Society, Honolulu, University Press of Hawaì
[cxxxix]McFarlane 1986: 102
[cxl]Aitken 1985: 146
[cxli]Davis 1989, Buddhism and the Modernization of Japan , History of Religions 28 (4) 304-39
[cxlii]Davis 1989: 327
[cxliii]Ives 1992: 65
[cxliv]Demiéville 1957: 373- 4
[cxlv]Ackroyd 1987: 583, King 1993: 211-18
[cxlvi]Aung San Suu Kyi 1995, Freedom from Fear and Other Writings, Harmondsworth, Penguin
[cxlvii]Sivaraksa 1986 ABuddhist Vision for Renewing Society, Bangkok, Tienwan Publishing House, Swaerer, 1996 Sulak Sivaraksa, Buddhist Vision for Renewing Sơciety, in Queen and King 195-236 (198)
[cxlviii]King 1996, Nhat Hanh 1987, Being Peace, New York, University of New York Press
[cxlix]Cabezón 1996 Buddhist Principles in the Tibetan Liberation Movement in Queen and King 295-32.
[cl]Fujii 1980 Buddhism for World Peace, Tokyo, Japan Bharat Sarvodarya Mira Sangha
[cli]Fujii 1980: 284-91:
[clii]Metraux 1996 The Soka Gakkai: Buddhism and the Creation of a Harmonious and Peaceful Society in Queen and King 1996, 365-40, (372, 380-1)
[cliii]Metreaux, 1996: 392-3
[cliv]Metreaux 1996: 372, 38-1
[clv]Metreaux 1996: 377. 380
[clvi]Metreaux 1996: 379-80
[clvii]Toynbee and Ikeda 1989, Choose Life, A Dialogue, Oxford, Oxford Universty Press, 208
[clviii]Toynbee and Ikeda 1989, 210
[clix]Metraux 1996, 377-8
[clx]Metraux 1996, 379
[clxi]Niwano 1977: A Buddhist Approach to Peace, Tokyo, Kosei Publishing Co, 116
[clxii]Niwano 1977: 12, 138
[clxiii]Ezard War and Remembrance, the Guardian newspaper 27 July 1995, Lomax, The Railway Man, London, ,Jonathan Cape, 1995
[clxiv]Bond 1995: 5
[clxv]Burr 1995 Buddhist Conflict Management Research Paper, Department of Philosophy University of Hawaì, 14; Maca, 1983 Dharma and Development, West Hardford Conn, Kumarian, 50
[clxvi]Bond 1996 Ariyarattne and the Sarvodaya Sharmandana Movement in Sri Lanka in Queen and King 1996: 121- 46, 136
[clxvii]Macy 1983: 50
[clxviii]Harris 1998 What Buddhist Believe, Oxford, Oneworld
[clxix]Burr 1995: 14
[clxx]Bond 1995: 6
[clxxi]Bond 1996: 137
[clxxii]Bond 1996: 6-7
[clxxiii]Bond 1996: 137
[clxxiv]Burr 1995: 5
[clxxv]Burr 1995: 5
[clxxvi]Burr 1995: 15
[clxxvii]Burr 1995: 6; McConnell, 1995
[clxxviii]Ghosananda 1992 Step by Step: Mediation on Wisdom and Compassion, Mahoney and Edmonds (Ed,), Berkeley, Calif. Parallax Press, IX-XI
[clxxix]Ghosananda, 1992: 7-12
[clxxx]Ghosananda, 1992: X
[clxxxi]Ghosananda, 1992: VII
[clxxxii]Ghosananda, 1992: 15
[clxxxiii]Ghosananda, 1992: 18
[clxxxiv]Gosling, 1984 Discussion Notes: Buddhism for Peace, South East Asian Journal of Social Science 12 (1) 59-70
[clxxxv]Ghosananda, 1992: 28
[clxxxvi]Gosling 1984: 60
[clxxxvii]Gosling 1984: 67-8
[clxxxviii]Ghosananda, 1992: 20
[clxxxix]Ghosananda 1992: 20
[cxc]Ghosananda 1992: 21
[cxci]Ghosananda 1992: 68
[cxcii]Ghosananda 1992: 54
[cxciii]Ghosananda 1992: 62
[cxciv]Ghosananda 1992: 69
[cxcv]Ghosananda 1992: 33
[cxcvi]Rojanaphruk 1995 A Man on the March, The Nation newpaper, Banglok, 4 December 1994
[cxcvii]Ghosananda, 1992: 62-3
[cxcviii]Ghosananda, 1992: 37-8
[cxcix]Ghosananda 1992: 51-2
[cc]Demiévillle 957: 358, 367; Welch, 1972: 280-1