Trôøi möa taàm taõ suoát ñeâm laãn ngaøy, theo coáng raõnh gioøng nöôùc buøn chaûy ra bieån, bieán maët nöôùc thaønh maøu naâu chocolate. Khi ñi treân bôø anh thaáy nhöõng con soùng thaät lôùn, roài chuùng vôõ tung thaønh nhöõng löôïn cong kyø vó vaø ñoäng löïc. Anh ñi ngöôïc gioù, roài baát chôït anh nhaän ra khoâng coù gì giöõa anh vaø baàu trôøi, vaø söï roäng môû naøy laø thieân ñöôøng. Hoaøn toaøn roäng môû, boû ngoû - ñoái vôùi ñoài nuùi, bieån caû vaø con ngöôøi – chính laø coát tuûy cuûa thieàn.
Khoâng ñeà khaùng, khoâng döïng leân nhöõng haøng raøo noäi taâm ñoái vôùi baát cöù gì, voâ ngaïi hoaøn toaøn tröôùc nhöõng thoâi thuùc, cöôõng baùch vaø ñoøi hoûi taàm thöôøng, vôùi taát caû nhöõng tranh chaáp nhoû nhen vaø thoùi ñaïo ñöùc giaû laø ñi trong ñôøi vôùi voøng tay môû roäng. Chieàu hoâm ñoù, ñi boä treân baõi caùt öôùt giöõa baày haûi aâu, anh caûm nhaän caùi yù nghóa kyø laï cuûa töï do roäng môû vaø veû ñeïp vó ñaïi cuûa tình yeâu, noù khoâng ôû trong anh hay ngoaøi anh maø khaép nôi.
Chuùng ta khoâng nhaän thöùc ñöôïc söï quan troïng khi thoaùt khoûi nhöõng thuù vui chæ ñem ñeán phieàn toaùi vaø ñau ñôùn, ñeå taâm moät mình. Chæ khi naøo hoaøn toaøn moät mình thì taâm roäng môû. Anh caûm nhaän taát caû ñieàu naøy moät caùch thaät tình côø, gioáng nhö moät côn gioù lôùn queùt ngang maët ñaát vaø xuyeân qua anh. Anh ôû ñoù - khoâng coøn gì caû, roãng rang - vaø do ñoù hoaøn toaøn roäng môû. Caùi ñeïp cuûa noù khoâng coù trong ngoân töø hay trong caûm thoï maø hình nhö ôû khaép nôi - quanh anh, trong anh, treân maët nöôùc, vaø giöõa raëng ñoài. Ñaáy chính laø thieàn.
*Ghi chuù: “You” – “Anh” trong ñoaïn vaên naøy chính laø K
It had rained heavily during the night and the day, and down the gullies the muddy stream poured into the sea, making it chocolate-brown. As you walked on the beach the waves were enormous and they were breaking with magnificent curve and force. You walked against the wind, and suddenly you felt there was nothing between you and the sky, and this openness was heaven. To be so completely open, vulnerable - to the hills, to the sea and to man - is the very essence of meditation.
To have no resistance, to have no barriers inwardly towards anything, to be really free, completely, from all the minor urges, compulsions and demands, with all their little conflicts and hypocrisies, is to walk in life with open arms. And that evening, walking there on that wet sand, with the sea gulls around you, you felt the extraordinary sense of open freedom and the great beauty of love which was not in you or outside you - but everywhere.
We don’t realize how important it is to be free of the nagging pleasures and their pains, so that the mind remains alone. It is only the mind that is wholly alone that is open. You felt all this suddenly, like a great wind that swept over the land and through you. There you were - denuded of everything, empty - and therefore utterly open. The beauty of it was not in the word or in the feeling, but seemed to be everywhere - about you, inside you, over the waters and in the hills. Meditation is this.
Thieàn khoâng phaûi laø taäp trung, coù nghóa laø loaïi tröø, chia ly, ñeà khaùng, vaø nhö theá laø xung ñoät. Taâm thieàn coù theå taäp trung, nhöng khoâng loaïi tröø, vaø ñeà khaùng; coøn caùi taâm ñöôïc taäp trung thì khoâng theå thieàn.
Meditation is not concentration, which is exclusion, a cutting off, a resistance and so a conflict. A meditative mind can concentrate, which then is not an exclusion, a resistance, but a concentrated mind cannot meditate.
Trong söï hieåu thieàn coù tình yeâu, vaø tình yeâu khoâng phaûi laø saûn phaåm cuûa caùc phaùp moân, cuûa thoùi quen, hay haønh theo moät phöông phaùp. Tình yeâu khoâng theå ñöôïc uoán naén baèng yù nghó. Tình yeâu xuaát hieän khi coù söï im laëng tuyeät ñoái, moät söï im laëng trong ñoù thieàn giaû hoaøn toaøn vaéng maët; taâm chæ coù theå im laëng khi hieåu roõ nhöõng haønh hoaït cuûa noù nhö yù nghó vaø caûm thoï. Muoán hieåu ñöôïc haønh hoaït cuûa yù nghó vaø caûm thoï thì khoâng coù söï leân aùn trong khi quan saùt. Quan saùt nhö theá laø moät kyû luaät, moät thöù kyû luaät linh hoaït vaø töï do, khoâng phaûi thöù kyû luaät cuûa söï tuaân haønh.
In the understanding of meditation there is love, and love is not the product of systems, of habits, of following a method. Love cannot be cultivated by thought. Love can perhaps come into being when there is complete silence, a silence in which the meditator is entirely absent; and the mind can be silent only when it understands its own movement as thought and feeling. To understand this movement of thought and feeling there can be no condemnation in observing it. To observe in such a way is a discipline, and that kind of discipline is fluid, free, not the discipline of conformity.
Saùng hoâm aáy maët bieån troâng nhö moät ñaïi hoà hay moät con soâng kyø vó - khoâng moät gôïn soùng, vaø tónh laëng ñeán ñoä anh coù theå thaáy aùnh sao phaûn chieáu ngay töø luùc tinh mô. Bình minh chöa loù daïng vì theá caùc vì sao, boùng cuûa vaùch ñaù vaø aùnh ñeøn xa xa töø thaønh phoá hieän roõ treân maët nöôùc. Khi leân cao daàn töø chaân trôøi khoâng moät gôïn maây, vaàng thaùi döông taïo neân moät ñöôøng saùng maàu hoaøng kim; thaät tuyeät vôøi khi ngaém aùnh döông töø neàn trôøi California toûa ñaày maët ñaát, töøng laù caây vaø töøng ngoïn coû.
Trong luùc ngaém nhìn caûnh trí, moät söï tónh laëng laï thöôøng xaûy ñeán vôùi anh. Boä oùc trôû neân thaät im laëng, khoâng moät phaûn öùng, khoâng moät chuyeån ñoäng, vaø thaät laø kyø laï khi caûm nhaän söï tónh laëng meânh moâng naøy. “Caûm nhaän” khoâng phaûi laø töø ngöõ. Phaåm chaát cuûa söï im laëng ñoù, söï tónh laëng ñoù khoâng theå ñöôïc caûm nhaän bôûi boä oùc, noù ôû ngoaøi boä oùc. Boä oùc coù theå hình dung, taïo ra moät coâng thöùc hay kieåu maãu cho töông lai, nhöng söï tónh laëng naøy vöôït ra khoûi taàm cuûa boä oùc, ngoaøi moïi töôûng töôïng, ngoaøi moïi öôùc muoán. Anh tónh laëng ñeán noãi thaân anh hoaøn toaøn trôû thaønh moät phaàn cuûa ñaát, moät phaàn cuûa baát cöù gì tónh laëng.
Ngoïn gioù thoaûng töø treân ñoài thoåi xuoáng laøm khua ñoäng laù caây, nhöng söï tónh laëng naøy, caùi phaåm chaát laï thöôøng naøy cuûa söï im laëng vaãn khoâng xaøo xaïc. Ngoâi nhaø ôû giöõa ñoài vaø bieån, troâng ra bieån caû. Trong luùc ngaém bieån, thaät tónh laëng, anh thöïc söï trôû neân moät phaàn cuûa moïi vaät. Anh laø moïi vaät. Anh laø aùnh saùng vaø veû ñeïp cuûa tình yeâu. Moät laàn nöõa, neáu baûo “anh laø moät phaàn cuûa moïi vaät” cuõng khoâng ñuùng; chöõ “anh” khoâng phuø hôïp vì anh thöïc söï khoâng coù ñoù. Anh khoâng toàn taïi. Chæ coù söï tónh laëng, caùi ñeïp, vaø yù nghóa laï thöôøng cuûa tình yeâu.
Ghi chuù: “You” – “Anh” trong ñoaïn vaên naøy chính laø K.
That morning the sea was like a lake or an enormous river - without a ripple, and so calm that you could see the reflections of the stars so early in the morning. The dawn had not yet come, so the stars, the reflection of the cliff and the distant lights of the town were there on the water. And as the sun came up over the horizon in a cloudless sky it made a golden path, and it was extraordinary to see that light of California filling the earth and every leaf and blade of grass.
As you watched, a great stillness came into you. The brain itself became very quiet, without any reaction, without a movement, and it was strange to feel this immense stillness. “Feel” isn’t the word. The quality of that silence, that stillness, is not felt by the brain; it is beyond the brain. The brain can conceive, formulate or make a design for the future, but this stillness is beyond its range, beyond all imagination, beyond all desire. You are so still that your body becomes completely part of the earth, part of everything that is still.
And as the slight breeze came from the hills, stirring the leaves, this stillness, this extraordinary quality of silence, was not disturbed. The house was between the hills and the sea, overlooking the sea. And as you watched the sea, so very still, you really became part of everything. You were everything. You were the light, and the beauty of love. Again, to say “you were a part of everything” is also wrong; the word “you” is not adequate because you really weren’t there. You didn’t exist. There was only that stillness, the beauty, the extraordinary sense of love.
Töø ngöõ “anh” vaø “toâi” phaân chia moïi thöù. Trong söï im laëng laï thöôøng vaø caùi tónh mòch naøy söï phaân chia ñoù khoâng toàn taïi. Khi anh nhìn qua cöûa soå, khoâng gian vaø thôøi gian hình nhö chaám döùt, vaø khoaûng khoâng gian chia caét kia khoâng coù thöïc theå. Chieác laù kia, caây khuynh dieäp vaø maët nöôùc xanh loang loaùng aùnh saùng khoâng khaùc anh.
Thieàn thaät ñôn giaûn. Chuùng ta laøm cho thieàn trôû neân phöùc taïp. Chuùng ta theâu deät moät maïng löôùi nhöõng yù töôûng quanh noù - nhöõng caùi laø thieàn vaø nhöõng caùi khoâng laø thieàn. Nhöng thieàn khoâng phaûi nhöõng caùi nhö theá. Vì thieàn quaù ñôn giaûn neân chuùng ta khoâng baét gaëp thieàn, vì taâm chuùng ta quaù phöùc taïp, quaù moøn cuõ vì thôøi gian vaø quaù leä thuoäc vaøo thôøi gian. Chính caùi taâm ñoù ñònh ñoaït sinh hoaït cuûa traùi tim vaø theá laø raéc roái khôûi sinh. Thieàn ñeán moät caùch töï nhieân, deã daøng moät caùch kyø laï, khi anh ñi boä treân baõi caùt, khi anh nhìn qua cöûa soå, hay ngaém nhöõng ngoïn ñoài huøng vó bò thieâu ñoát bôûi maët trôøi cuûa muøa heø qua. Taïi sao chuùng ta laø nhöõng con ngöôøi bò haønh haï ñeán nhö theá, vôùi ñoâi maét luoân luoân ñaãm leä vaø nuï cöôøi giaû doái treân moâi? Neáu ñi boä moät mình giöõa raëng ñoài, trong röøng, hay doïc theo baõi caùt traéng ñaõ ñöôïc taåy saïch, anh seõ hieåu thieàn laø gì trong caùi coâ tòch aáy.
Caùi an laïc cuûa söï coâ tòch ñeán khi anh khoâng sôï haõi vì chæ coù moät mình - khoâng coøn thuoäc veà theá gian naøy vaø raøng buoäc vôùi baát cöù gì. Theá roài, cuõng nhö buoåi bình minh hoâm nay, “noù” ñeán thaät laëng leõ, vaø taïo ra con ñöôøng maøu hoaøng kim trong söï tónh mòch laï thöôøng naøy; “noù” coù töø khôûi thuûy, baây giôø, vaø seõ luoân luoân ôû ñoù.
Ghi chuù: “You” – “Anh” trong ñoaïn vaên naøy chính laø K.
“Noù” seõ ñöôïc giaûi thích trong phaàn sau, cuøng vôùi “caùi kia”
The word “you” and “I” separate things. This division in this strange silence and stillness doesn’t exist. And as you watched out of the window, space and time seemed to have come to an end, and the space that divides had no reality. That leaf and that eucalyptus and the blue shinning water were not different from you.
Meditation is really very simple. We complicate it. We weave a web of ideas around it - what it is and what it is not. But it is none of these things. Because it is so very simple it escapes us, because our minds are so complicated, so timeworn and time-based. And this mind dictates the activity of the heart, and then the trouble begins. But meditation comes naturally, with extraordinary ease, when you walk on the sand or look out of your window or see those marvelous hills burnt by last summer’s sun. Why are we such tortured human beings, with tears in our eyes and false laughter on our lips? If you could walk alone among those hills or in the woods or along the long, white, bleached sands, in that solitude you would know what meditation is.
The ecstasy of solitude comes when you are not frightened to be alone - no longer belonging to the world or attached to anything. Then, like that dawn that came up this morning, it comes silently, and makes a golden path is the very stillness, which was at the beginning, which is now, and which will be always there.
Thieàn laø söï vaän haønh trong caùi khoâng bieát vaø thuoäc veà caùi baát khaû tri. Baïn khoâng hieän dieän maø chæ coù söï vaän haønh. Hoaëc baïn quaù taàm thöôøng hoaëc quaù vó ñaïi ñoái vôùi söï vaän haønh naøy. Khoâng coù gì ôû phía sau hay phía tröôùc noù. Noù chính laø naêng löôïng maø yù nghó vaät chaát khoâng theå chaïm ñeán. YÙ nghó laø sai laïc, vì yù nghó laø saûn phaåm cuûa hoâm qua; yù nghó bò vöôùng maéc trong nhöõng traàn lao cuûa nhieàu theá kyû, vaø vì vaäy roái ren, khoâng roõ raøng. Duø baïn coù laøm caùch gì ñi nöõa, caùi ñaõ bieát khoâng theå naøo ñaït ñeán caùi khoâng theå bieát. Thieàn laø cheát ñi nhöõng gì ñaõ bieát.
Meditation is a movement in and of the unknown. You are not there, only the movement. You are too petty or too great for this movement. It has nothing behind it or in front of it. It is that energy which thought-matter cannot touch. Thought is perversion, for it is the product of yesterday; it is caught in the toils of centuries and so is confused, unclear. Do what you will, the known cannot reach out for the unknown. Meditation is the dying to the known.
Thieàn ñònh cuûa moät caùi taâm hoaøn toaøn im laëng laø phöôùc baùu maø con ngöôøi luoân luoân tìm kieám. Moïi tính chaát cuûa söï im laëng ôû trong söï im laëng naøy.
The meditation of a mind that is utterly silent is the benediction that man is ever seeking. In this silence every quality of silence is.
Moät khi baïn ñaõ ñaët ñöôïc neàn taûng ñaïo haïnh, coù nghóa laø traät töï trong quan heä thì töø ñoù hình thaønh ñaëc tính cuûa tình yeâu vaø caùi cheát, nghóa laø taát caû nhöõng gì cuûa cuoäc soáng; luùc ñoù taâm seõ trôû neân yeân tónh laï thöôøng, im laëng moät caùch töï nhieân, khoâng phaûi im laëng do ñeø neùn, kyû luaät vaø kieåm soaùt, vaø söï im laëng naøy voâ cuøng saâu saéc.
Khoâng ngoân töø, khoâng moâ taû naøo coù theå vöôït xa hôn. Luùc ñoù taâm khoâng tìm hieåu caùi tuyeät ñoái vì khoâng caàn thieát, vì trong söï im laëng ñoù coù caùi ñang laø. Taát caû nhöõng thöù ñoù laø phöôùc baùu cuûa thieàn.
Once you have laid the foundation of virtue, which is order in relationship, there comes into being this quality of love and of dying, which is all of life; then the mind becomes extraordinarily quiet, naturally silent, not made silent through suppression, discipline and control, and that silence is immensely rich.
Beyond that, no word, no description is of any avail. Then the mind does not inquire into the absolute because it has no need, for in that silence there is that which is. And the whole of this is the benediction of meditation.
Sau ñôït möa nhöõng ngoïn ñoài troâng thaät ñeïp. Chuùng vaãn coøn maàu naâu vì bò thieâu ñoát bôûi maët trôøi muøa haï, chaúng bao laâu nöõa caùc maàm xanh seõ nhuù leân. Trôøi ñaõ möa taàm taõ, vaø veû ñeïp cuûa raëng ñoài khoâng theå naøo taû heát. Trôøi vaãn coøn maây, trong khoâng khí phaûng phaát muøi caây sôn, caây xoâ thôm vaø khuynh dieäp. Thaät laø kyø dieäu khi ôû giöõa caûnh vaät nhö theá, vaø moät söï tónh laëng laï thöôøng xaâm chieám anh. Khoâng nhö bieån caû ôû döôùi xa kia, raëng ñoài hoaøn toaøn im laëng. Khi quan saùt vaø nhìn ngaém xung quanh, anh ñaõ ñeå laïi taát caû trong caên nhaø nhoû döôùi kia - aùo quaàn, taát caû yù nghó vaø nhöõng leà thoùi kyø quaëc cuûa cuoäc ñôøi. Anh ñang ngao du moät caùch nheï nhaøng, khoâng moät yù nghó, khoâng moät gaùnh naëng, chæ coøn moät caûm giaùc cuûa söï roãng rang hoaøn toaøn vaø caùi ñeïp. Nhöõng buïi caây xanh chaúng bao laâu seõ xanh hôn, vaø chæ trong voøng vaøi tuaàn nöõa muøi höông cuûa chuùng seõ ñaäm hôn. Baày cun cuùt caát tieáng goïi nhau vaø moät vaøi con vöøa bay xaø ñeán. Taâm khoâng heà hay bieát noù ñang ôû trong traïng thaùi thieàn, trong ñoù tình yeâu ñang roä nôû. Xeùt cho cuøng, chæ treân ñaát thieàn thì hoa naøy môùi nôû. Thaät laø kyø laï, traïng thaùi ñoù theo ñuoåi anh suoát ñeâm, vaø khi anh thöùc giaác, tröôùc khi maët trôøi leân thaät laâu, noù vaãn coøn ñoù trong tim anh vôùi nieàm an laïc tuyeät vôøi, khoâng vì moät nguyeân do. Traïng thaùi thieàn ñaõ ôû ñoù, voâ duyeân côù, vaø ngaát ngaây. Noù seõ coøn ñoù suoát ngaøy maø khoâng caàn anh van xin hay môøi giöõ noù ôû laïi vôùi anh.
Ghi chuù: “You” – “Anh” trong ñoaïn vaên naøy chính laø K.
After the rains the hills were splendid. They were still brown from the summer sun, and soon all the green things would come out. It had rained quite heavily, and the beauty of those hills was indescribable. The sky was still clouded and in the air there was the smell of sumac, sage and eucalyptus. It was splendid to be among them, and a strange stillness possessed you. Unlike the sea, which lay far down below you, those hills were completely still. As you watched and looked about you, you had left everything down below in that little house - your clothes, your thoughts and the odd ways of life. Here you were traveling very lightly, without any thoughts, without any burden, and with a feeling of complete emptiness and beauty. The little green bushes would soon be still greener, and in a few weeks’ time they would have a stronger smell. The quails were calling and a few of them flew over. Without knowing it, the mind was in a state of meditation in which love was flowering. After all, only in the soil of meditation can this flower bloom. It was really quite marvelous and, strangely, all through the night it pursued you, and when you woke, long before the sun was up, it was still there in your heart with its incredible joy, for no reason whatsoever. It was there, causeless, and quite intoxicating. It would be there all through the day without your ever asking or inviting it to stay with you.
Ngoaøi haøng hieân ngaùt höông, coøn laâu laém bình minh môùi ñeán vaø haøng caây vaãn coøn im laëng, höông thôm laø veû ñeïp. Nhöng loaïi höông thôm naøy khoâng theå kinh nghieäm ñöôïc; tieán trình kinh nghieäm phaûi ngöng laïi, vì kinh nghieäm chæ cuûng coá caùi ñaõ bieát. Caùi ñaõ bieát khoâng bao giôø coù theå laø höông thôm. Thieàn khoâng bao giôø laø kinh nghieäm theâm; thieàn khoâng nhöõng laø chaám döùt kinh nghieäm - töùc laø phaûn öùng ñoái vôùi thaùch thöùc, duø lôùn hay nhoû - maø coøn môû caùnh cöûa cho höông thôm, môû caùnh cöûa hoûa loø maø löûa trong ñoù thieâu huûy troïn veïn, khoâng ñeå laïi buïi tro, khoâng chuùt taøn dö. Chuùng ta laø nhöõng taøn dö, nhöõng con ngöôøi ngoan ngoaõn cuûa haøng ngaøn ngaøy hoâm qua, moät chuoãi lieân tuïc cuûa nhöõng kyù öùc baát taän, cuûa choïn löïa vaø tuyeät voïng. Ñaïi ngaõ vaø Tieåu ngaõ laø hình thaùi cuûa hieän höõu maø hieän höõu laø tö duy vaø tö duy laø hieän höõu, vôùi noãi ñau khoå trieàn mieân. Trong ngoïn löûa cuûa thieàn tö duy chaám döùt cuøng vôùi caûm thoï, vì caû hai khoâng phaûi tình yeâu. Khoâng coù tình yeâu, khoâng coù höông thôm; khoâng coù tình yeâu thì chæ coù tro than maø treân ñoù chuùng ta xaây döïng hieän höõu cuûa chính mình. Tình yeâu ñeán töø söï troáng khoâng.
There on the perfumed verandah, when dawn was still far away and the trees were still silent, what is essence is beauty. But this essence is not experienceable; experiencing must cease, for experience only strengthens the known. The known is never the essence. Meditation is never the further experiencing; it is not only the ending of experience, which is the response to challenge, great or small, but it is the opening of the door to essence, opening the door of a furnace whose fire utterly destroys, without leaving any ashes; there are no remains. We are the remains, the yes-sayers of many thousand yesterdays, a continuous series of endless memories, of choice and despair. The Big Self and the Little Self are the pattern of existence and existence is thought and thought is existence, with never-ending sorrow. In the flame of meditation thought ends and with it feeling, for neither is love. Without love, there is no essence; without it there are only ashes on which is based our existence. Out of the emptiness love is.
Thieàn laø haønh vi cuûa söï im laëng.
Meditation is the action of silence.
Thieàn khoâng coù khôûi ñaàu vaø cuõng khoâng coù keát thuùc; trong ñoù khoâng coù thaønh ñaït hay thaát baïi, khoâng huaân taäp vaø cuõng khoâng xaû boû; thieàn laø söï vaän haønh baát taän vaø do ñoù ôû ngoaøi vaø ôû treân thôøi gian vaø khoâng gian. Chöùng nghieäm thieàn laø phuû nhaän thieàn, vì ngöôøi chöùng nghieäm bò raøng buoäc vôùi thôøi gian vaø khoâng gian, kyù öùc vaø nhaän bieát qua hoài töôûng. Neàn taûng cuûa chaân thieàn laø söï tænh thöùc khoâng phaûn öùng, söï tænh thöùc ñoù hoaøn toaøn töï do ñoái vôùi uy quyeàn vaø tham voïng, ghen gheùt vaø sôï haõi. Thieàn hoaøn toaøn voâ nghóa vaø chaúng coù gì quan troïng neáu khoâng coù töï do naøy, vaø khoâng coù söï thaáy bieát chính mình; bao giôø coøn löïa choïn thì khoâng coù söï thaáy bieát chính mình. Löïa choïn haøm yù xung ñoät, ngaên che söï hieåu bieát caùi “ñang laø.” Lang thang trong töôûng töôïng, hay nhöõng ñöùc tin laõng maïn thì khoâng phaûi thieàn; boä oùc phaûi töï côûi boû moïi huyeàn thoaïi, aûo töôûng, an toaøn vaø ñoái dieän söï thaät veà tính caùch hö giaû cuûa chuùng. Khoâng heà coù söï maát chuù yù, moïi thöù ñeàu ôû trong söï vaän haønh cuûa thieàn. Ñoùa hoa laø hình theå, höông thôm, maøu saéc vaø veû ñeïp - ñoù laø toaøn theå ñoùa hoa. Xeù naùt ñoùa hoa baèng haønh ñoäng, hay baèng lôøi thì ñoùa hoa khoâng coøn, chæ coøn söï hoài töôûng veà caùi ñaõ laø, nghóa laø khoâng phaûi ñoùa hoa. Thieàn laø toaøn theå ñoùa hoa vôùi veû ñeïp, söï taøn phai vaø ñôøi soáng cuûa noù.
Meditation has no beginning and no end; in it there is no achievement and no failure, no gathering and no renunciation; it is a movement without finality and so beyond and above time and space. The experiencing of it is the denying of it, for the experiencer is bound to time and space, memory and recognition.The foundation for true meditation is that passive awareness which is the total freedom from authority and ambition, envy and fear. Meditation has no meaning, no significance whatsoever without this freedom, without self-knowing; as long as there is choice there is no self-knowing. Choice implies conflict, which prevents the understanding of “what is.” Wandering off into some fancy, into some romantic beliefs, is not meditation; the brain must strip itself of every myth, illusion and security and face the reality of their falseness. There is no distraction; everything is in the movement of meditation. The flower is the form, the scent, the color, and the beauty that is the whole of it. Tear it to pieces actually or verbally, then there is no flower, only a remembrance of what was, which is never the flower. Meditation is the whole flower in its beauty, withering and living.
Thieàn laø töï do khoâng coøn yù nghó, vaø laø söï vaän haønh trong hyû laïc cuûa chaân lyù.
Meditation is the freedom from thought, and a movement in the ecstasy of truth.
Saùng sôùm thaät yeân tónh, khoâng moät chieác laù hay moät con chim khua ñoäng. Thieàn ñaõ baét ñaàu töø nhöõng ñoä saâu khoân doø, roài tieáp tuïc vôùi cöôøng ñoä gia taêng vaø aøo aït, ñöa boä oùc vaøo moät söï im laëng hoaøn toaøn, böùng ñi moïi coäi reã cuûa tö duy, laøm baät goác moïi caûm thoï, truùt saïch nhöõng gì ñaõ bieát vaø caùi boùng cuûa noù khoûi boä oùc. Ñoù laø moät cuoäc giaûi phaãu maø khoâng coù ngöôøi laøm coâng vieäc giaûi phaãu, khoâng coù nhaø phaãu thuaät; cuoäc giaûi phaãu tieáp tuïc, nhö nhaø phaãu thuaät giaûi phaãu khoái ung thö, caét boû töøng moâ teá baøo ñaõ bò nhieãm ñoäc, neáu khoâng söï nhieãm truøng laïi lan roäng. Noù vaãn tieán haønh - thôøi thieàn naøy - keùo daøi khoaûng moät tieáng ñoàng hoà. Ñoù laø moät thôøi thieàn khoâng coù thieàn giaû. Thieàn giaû thöôøng xen vaøo vôùi nhöõng ngu doát, kieâu caêng, tham voïng vaø loøng tham cuûa haén. Thieàn giaû laø yù nghó ñöôïc nuoâi döôõng bôûi nhöõng xung ñoät vaø toån thöông, vaø trong thieàn moïi yù nghó phaûi hoaøn toaøn chaám döùt. Ñaây chính laø neàn taûng cuûa thieàn.
It was very quiet so early in the morning and not a bird of leaf was stirring. Meditation which began at unknown depths, and went on with increasing intensity and sweep, carved the brain into total silence, scooping out the depths of thought, uprooting feeling, emptying the brain of the known and its shadow. It was an operation and there was no operator, no surgeon; it was going on, as a surgeon operates for cancer, cutting out every tissue which has been contaminated, lest the contamination should again spread. It was going on, this meditation, for an hour by the watch. And it was meditation without the meditator. The meditator interferes with his stupidities and vanities, ambitions and greed. The meditator is thought, nurtured in these conflicts and injuries, and thought in meditation must totally cease. This is the foundation of meditation.
Thieàn laø vöôït ra ngoaøi thôøi gian. Thôøi gian laø khoaûng caùch maø yù nghó di chuyeån trong nhöõng gì noù ñaõ ñaït ñöôïc. Söï di chuyeån luoân luoân theo con ñöôøng cuõ ñöôïc toâ veõ baèng lôùp sôn môùi, vôùi nhöõng baûng hieäu môùi, nhöng vaãn laø loái xöa, chaúng ñöa ñeán ñaâu - ngoaøi ñau ñôùn vaø khoå ñau.
Chæ khi naøo taâm vöôït ra ngoaøi thôøi gian thì chaân lyù khoâng coøn laø moät khaùi nieäm tröøu töôïng. Luùc ñoù cöïc laïc khoâng phaûi laø moät yù nieäm khôûi sinh töø laïc thuù, maø laø moät hieän thöïc, khoâng phaûi lôøi leõ suoâng.
Truùt boû thôøi gian khoûi taâm thöùc laø söï im laëng cuûa chaân lyù, vaø thaáy ñieàu naøy töùc laø laøm; nhö vaäy khoâng coù söï phaân chia giöõa thaáy vaø laøm. Trong khoaûng gian caùch giöõa thaáy vaø laøm laø xung ñoät, khoán khoå vaø hoãn loaïn. Caùi voâ thôøi thì vónh cöûu.
To meditate is to transcend time. Time is the distance that thought travels in its achievements. The travelling is always along the old path covered over with a new coating, new sights, but always the same road, leading nowhere - except to pain and sorrow.
It is only when the mind transcends time that truth ceases to be an abstraction. Then bliss is not an idea derived from pleasure but an actuality that is not verbal.
The emptying of the mind of time is the silence of truth, and the seeing of this is the doing; so there is no division between the seeing and the doing. In the interval between seeing and doing is born conflict, misery and confusion. That which has no time is the everlasting.
Bình minh ñeán thaät chaäm, caùc vì sao vaãn toûa saùng vaø haøng caây coøn ruû laù, khoâng coù tieáng chim keâu vaø cuõng khoâng coù caû tieáng voã caùnh cuûa nhöõng con cuù nhoû bay töø caây naøy sang caây khaùc trong ñeâm. Söï im laëng thaät kyø laï ngoaøi tieáng gaàm cuûa bieån. Coù muøi cuûa ñuû loaïi hoa, laù muïc vaø ñaát aåm; khoâng khi thaät tónh laëng neân caùi muøi ñoù lan toûa khaép nôi. Maët ñaát ñang chôø buoåi bình minh vaø moät ngaøy saép ñeán; coù söï chôø mong, kieân nhaãn vaø söï tónh mòch laï thöôøng. Thieàn tieáp tuïc vôùi söï tónh mòch ñoù vaø söï tónh mòch ñoù laø tình yeâu; khoâng phaûi yeâu caùi gì ñoù hoaëc yeâu ai ñoù, nhöõng hình aûnh cuûa taâm lyù vaø bieåu töôïng, ngoân töø vaø hình aûnh vaät lyù. Thieàn ñôn thuaàn chæ laø tình yeâu, khoâng tình caûm, khoâng caûm thoï. Thieàn laø caùi gì ñoù troïn veïn trong chính noù, khoâng che ñaäy, maõnh lieät, khoâng nguoàn goác vaø phöông höôùng. Tieáng keâu cuûa con chim taän ñaèng xa kia laø tình yeâu ñoù, thieàn laø phöông höôùng vaø khoaûng caùch, thieàn ôû ñoù voâ thôøi vaø voâ ngoân. Thieàn khoâng phaûi laø moät caûm xuùc nhaït phai vaø taøn nhaãn; bieåu töôïng, ngoân töø coù theå ñöôïc thay theá, nhöng caùi maø bieåu töôïng hay ngoân töø dieãn taû thì khoâng theå thay theá. Khoâng che ñaäy neân thieàn hoaøn toaøn boû ngoû, vaø do ñoù khoâng theå bò huûy dieät. Noù coù caùi söùc maïnh baát khaû tieáp caän cuûa caùi kia1, caùi khoâng theå bieát, ñang tieán vaøo qua haøng caây vaø beân kia bieån caû. Thieàn laø tieáng keâu cuûa con chim kia phaùt ra töø söï troáng khoâng vaø tieáng theùt gaøo cuûa bieån ñang voã maïnh vaøo bôø. Tình yeâu chæ hieän höõu trong söï troáng khoâng tuyeät ñoái. Bình minh aûm ñaïm xuaát hieän xa xa cuoái chaân trôøi, haøng caây saäm maàu troâng laïi caøng saäm hôn vaø daøy ñaëc. Trong thieàn khoâng coù söï laäp laïi, moät söï tieáp dieãn cuûa thoùi quen; coù söï cheát ñi cuûa nhöõng gì ñaõ bieát vaø söï böøng nôû cuûa caùi khoâng bieát. AÙnh sao nhaït daàn vaø nhöõng ñaùm maây baét ñaàu thöùc giaác cuøng vôùi maët trôøi ñang leân.
1 Töø ngöõ “caùi kia” (the otherness) ôû ñaây coù moät yù nghóa ñaëc bieät, xin xem trích daãn sau:
“Nhöõng kinh nghieäm ñaõ thay ñoåi cuoäc ñôøi cuûa Krishnamurti:
Naêm 1922 Krishna va Nitya (em trai) töø Sydney (UÙc) sang California. Trong thôøi gian löu laïi California, hai anh em ôû trong moät caên nhaø nhoû trong thung luõng Ojai. Nhöõng ngöôøi toå chöùc chuyeán ñi cho raèng khí haäu cuûa vuøng naøy coù lôïi cho Nitya, sau khi caäu ñöôïc chaån ñoaùn laø bò lao phoåi. Tình traïng ñau yeáu cuûa Nitya ñaõ trôû thaønh moái lo aâu cho Krishna. Taïi Ojai, hoï gaëp moät thieáu nöõ ngöôøi Myõ teân laø Rosalind Williams; chaúng bao laâu Rosalind ñaõ trôû neân gaàn guõi vôùi hai anh em, vaø sau naøy ñoùng moät vai troø quan troïng trong cuoäc ñôøi cuûa Krishnamurti. Ñaây laø laàn ñaàu tieân hai anh em soáng ngoaøi söï giaùm saùt tröïc tieáp cuûa nhöõng ngöôøi giaùm hoä trong Thoâng Thieân Hoäi. Krishna vaø Nitya caûm thaáy raát thích hôïp vôùi thung luõng Ojai; sau ñoù nhöõng ngöôøi uûng hoä ñaõ gaây quyõ, mua moät caên nhaø vaø khu ñaát laân caän cho hai anh em. Töø ñoù ngoâi nhaø naøy trôû thaønh nôi cöù truù chính thöùc cuûa Krishnamurti.
Chính taïi Ojai vaøo thaùng 8 vaø thaùng 9 naêm 1922 Krishna ñaõ traûi qua moät kinh nghieäm voâ cuøng maõnh lieät, “thay ñoåi haún cuoäc ñôøi.” Kinh nghieäm naøy vöøa laø moät söï thöùc tænh taâm linh, vöøa laø moät söï thay ñoåi taâm lyù, vöøa laø moät söï ñieàu kieän hoùa thaân xaùc. Nhöõng kinh nghieäm ñaàu tieân ñaõ dieãn ra trong hai giai ñoaïn khaùc bieät: tröôùc tieân laø moät kinh nghieäm taâm linh keùo daøi ba ngaøy, roài hai tuaàn sau ñoù laø moät kinh nghieäm keùo daøi hôn, ñöôïc Krishna vaø nhöõng ngöôøi chöùng kieán goïi laø “tieán trình” (the process); kinh nghieäm naøy taùi dieãn vaøo nhöõng khoaûng thôøi gian ñeàu ñaën, vôùi nhöõng cöôøng ñoä khaùc nhau cho ñeán khi oâng qua ñôøi.
Theo caùc nhaân chöùng, “tieán trình” baét ñaàu vaøo ngaøy 19 thaùng 9 naêm 1922 khi Krishna than phieàn veà côn ñau döõ doäi ôû gaùy. Suoát hai ngaøy keá tieáp, trieäu chöùng trôû neân traàm troïng hôn vôùi söï gia taêng cöôøng ñoä cuûa côn ñau vaø söï nhaäy caûm cuøng vôùi tình traïng khoâng theøm aên vaø nhieàu laàn noùi saûng. Krishna coù veû nhö rôi vaøo traïng thaùi voâ thöùc, nhöng khi hoài töôûng laïi sau ñoù oâng ñaõ bieát raát roõ nhöõng gì xaûy ra xung quanh, vaø cho bieát khi ôû trong traïng thaùi ñoù oâng ñaõ chöùng nghieäm söï hôïp nhaát thaàn bí. Ngaøy hoâm sau caùc trieäu chöùng vaø kinh nghieäm trôû neân maõnh lieät hôn, roài ñaït tôùi cöïc ñieåm vôùi caûm giaùc “an laïc voâ bieân.” Tieáp theo, vaø roõ raøng laø coù lieân quan vôùi nhöõng söï kieän naøy, kinh nghieäm ñöôïc goïi laø “tieán trình” baét ñaàu taùc ñoäng vaøo Krishna; trong suoát thaùng 9 vaø thaùng 10 kinh nghieäm naøy thöôøng xuyeân taùi dieãn, haàu nhö haøng ñeâm. Veà sau “tieán trình” xaûy ra khoâng xuyeân nöõa, vôùi nhöõng ñau ñôùn, khoù chòu veà thaân xaùc vaø söï nhaäy caûm ôû caùc möùc ñoä khaùc nhau; Krishna coù khi rôi vaøo traïng thaùi cuûa moät ñöùa treû, vaø thænh thoaûng maát haún yù thöùc; söï kieän naøy ñöôïc giaûi thích laø do thaân xaùc quaù ñau ñôùn, hay oâng ñaõ thaêng (going off).
Tieáp theo, hoaëc keøm theo nhöõng kinh nghieäm naøy laø moät traïng thaùi ñöôïc moâ taû laø “phöôùc laønh” (the benediction), hay caùi bao la (the immensity), caùi thieâng lieâng (the sacredness), caùi meânh moâng (the vastness), vaø thöôøng ñöôïc duøng nhieàu nhaát laø “caùi kia” (the otherness hay the other). Ñaây laø moät traïng thaùi khaùc bieät vôùi “tieán trình”. Theo baø Lutyens, moät trong nhöõng ngöôøi thaân caän vôùi Krishna vaøo luùc ñoù: caên cöù vaøo nhöõng gì ñöôïc ghi laïi trong “Soå Tay” thì kinh nghieäm veà “caùi kia” ñaõ “ôû vôùi oâng haàu nhö thöôøng xuyeân” suoát ñôøi vaø cho oâng “moät caûm töôûng ñöôïc baûo veä.” Trong “Soå Tay” Krishna ñaõ moâ taû traïng thaùi naøy vaãn thöôøng theo sau kinh nghieäm veà “tieán trình,” chaúng haïn nhö khi thöùc daäy vaøo hoâm sau:
“...daäy sôùm vôùi caûm nhaän maõnh lieät veà “caùi kia”, veà moät theá giôùi khaùc beân ngoaøi moïi yù nghó... Coù söï gia taêng veà ñoä nhaäy caûm. Nhaäy caûm khoâng nhöõng vôùi caùi ñeïp maø coøn vôùi moïi thöù. Coïng coû coù moät maàu xanh kyø laï; coïng coû ñoù chöùa ñöïng toaøn theå quang phoå cuûa maàu saéc; noù thaät maõnh lieät, choùi loïi, vaø moät vaät nhoû beù nhö theá raát deã hö hoaïi...”
Kinh nghieäm veà “caùi kia” vaãn thöôøng xaûy ra vôùi Krishna trong suoát caùc söï kieän xaûy ra haøng ngaøy.
“Thaät laï luøng – trong suoát moät hay hai cuoäc phoûng vaán – söùc maïnh ñoù, maõnh löïc ñoù traøn ngaäp caên phoøng. Noù coù veû nhö ôû trong hai maét vaø hôi thôû. Noù xuaát hieän moät caùch ñoät ngoät vaø haàu nhö baát ngôø vôùi moät maõnh löïc vaø cöôøng ñoä khoâng theå cöôõng laïi, vaø coù nhöõng luùc noù coù ñoù, thaät tónh laëng vaø eâm aû. Nhöng noù coù ñoù, duø moät ngöôøi coù muoán noù hay khoâng. Khoâng theå naøo coù theå trôû neân quen thuoäc vôùi noù vì noù chöa bao giôø hieän höõu vaø seõ khoâng bao giôø hieän höõu.”
Töø khi caùc söï kieän xaûy ra vaøo naêm 1922, raát nhieàu giaûi thích ñaõ ñöôïc ñöa ra veà nhöõng kinh nghieäm kyø laï maø Krishna ñaõ traûi qua. Leadbeater (ngöôøi ñaõ phaùt hieän ra Krishnamurti khi coøn laø moät ñöùa treû) vaø nhöõng nhaø Thoâng Thieân hoïc khaùc ñeàu cho raèng “phöông tieän” [töùc Krishnamurti] ñaõ traûi qua caùc hieän töôïng sieâu nhieân, nhöng hoï ñeàu toû ra boái roái tröôùc söï phaùt trieån cuûa caùc hieän töôïng naøy. Trong suoát nhieàu naêm cuoái ñôøi cuûa Krishnamurti, baûn chaát vaø nguoàn goác cuûa “tieán trình” vaãn thöôøng laø chuû ñeà cuûa caùc cuoäc ñaøm luaän rieâng tö giöõa oâng vaø nhöõng ngöôøi thaân caän; maëc duø caùc cuoäc ñaøm luaän naøy coù ñem laïi ñoâi chuùt aùnh saùng veà “tieán trình” nhöng chung cuoäc vaãn khoâng ñöa ñeán moät keát luaän naøo.” Nguoàn:
Dawn was slow in coming; the stars were still brilliant and the trees were still withdrawn; no bird was calling, not even the small owls that rattled through the night from tree to tree. It was strangely quiet except for the roar of the sea. There was that smell of many flowers, rotting leaves and damp ground; the air was very, very still and the smell was everywhere. The earth was waiting for the dawn and the coming day; there was expectation, patience and a strange stillness. Meditation went on with that stillness and that stillness was love; it was not the love of something or of someone, the image and the symbol, the word and the pictures. It was simply love, without sentiment, without feeling. It was some-thing complete in itself, naked, intense, without root and direction. The sound of that faraway bird was that love; it was the direction and distance; it was there without time and word. It wasn’t an emotion that fades and is cruel; the symbol, the word can be substituted but not the thing. Being naked, it was utterly vulnerable and so indestructible. It had the unapproachable strength of that otherness, the unknowable, which was coming through the trees and beyond the sea. Meditation was the sound of that bird calling out of the emptiness and the roar of the sea, thundering against the beach. Love can only be in utter emptiness. The graying dawn was there far away on the horizon and the dark trees were even more dark and intense. In meditation there is no repetition, a continuity of habit; there is death of everything known and the flowering of the unknown. The stars had faded and the clouds were awake with the coming sun.
Thieàn laø traïng thaùi cuûa taâm khi nhìn moïi vaät vôùi söï chuù yù hoaøn toaøn – toaøn theå söï chuù yù, chöù khoâng phaûi nhieàu phaàn cuûa söï chuù yù.
Meditation is a state of mind which looks at everything with complete attention, totally, not just parts of it.
Ghi Chú : Font chử Việt là VNI -Aptima